I started channeling my spirit guides and angelic beings through automatic writing when I was a teenager, after my mother, who is an energy healer/angel communicator herself introduced me to it. I dove head first into metaphysics and mysticism. From age 12 till 18 I went to an art academy which laid the foundation for what I do now, combining art with channeling multidimensional information.

Then I stepped away from arts and “anything psychic”, and got a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education. I traveled and worked in a few different countries over the world, got married, split up, had kids, and in the midst of all that I had my spiritual re-awakening a few years later, with all my intuitive gifts coming back online, stronger than ever before.

I started having spontaneous experiences where I would see multiple layers of reality placed on top of each other, multiple timelines and stories of the soul play out parallel and as one. I saw the connections to this current lifetime, I saw the patterns and the reason for certain things and the way they played out. This is when I developed my own way of accessing and working with the akashic records, cosmic consciousness and past lives. Which later also resulted in recognizing the patterns in this current lifetime in order to lift blocks and heal trauma or “soul PTSD”.

Amidst all of that I started re-discovering Jesus / Yeshua, in a more mystical way, a way that new-age didn’t talk about, and a way that the Roman church didn’t talk about. It’s after going through several traumatic events in my life that I started to get very disillusioned with the majority of the “new-age” movement, and the lack of actual trauma support for people going through deep transformational life experiences. Telling a grieving woman that “her grief is her choice” that she should “just shift her belief system” is just not serving anyone. Telling people with justified anger, that their angry emotions aren’t spiritual.. is not serving anyone.. These are just some quick “new-age” examples that I see floating on the internet.

Everyone wants the fun and rainbows – nobody wants the initiations anymore..

Well many people will STILL go through deep mental initiations in this modern world. Ranging from PTSD, abuse, trauma, being separated from your children, the death of a beloved, having a chronic illness.. Slap a crystal on it and you’ll be fine? Push your anger down and be positive? You got abused so you brought it on yourself? Victim-shaming the person even more.. Things are often very very nuanced, where there is indeed such a thing as soul contracts and in a way a soul does have a part in giving consent to be on the receiving end of such trauma.. when you are IN IT saying “you did it to yourself” will only re-traumatize a person. And this is where I try to make the difference, and where my concern with many of the new-age teachings lies. Whatever modality you devote yourself to, whatever path is Your path, make sure you go all the way in! Gift yourself the gift of slow learning first before jumping in and healing others when you haven’t fully discovered the beauty of your own chosen path yet..

And now at nearly age 37 I can confidently tell you that my offerings, and soul mission are firmly rooted in a foundation that uses the terms God, Mother/Father God.

If you ended up on my page, it is because you have an innate yearning for a devotional practice that offers a firm foundation for anything you will possibly face in life.

Many of the current “new-age” practices have lost their connection to the concept of the God-frequency. The God that I speak of is the Mother/Father God-source creator. “The Universe” just doesn’t cover it for me, when we live in a multiverse that God created.

Yes I talk about angels, I talk about star families and ETs and motherships, I talk about other incarnations, and spirit guides, ascended masters and healing. ALL are an integral part of pre-Roman Christian mysticism.

You may also notice that I view “past lives” differently. When we look at the nature of time we see that time does not really exist and everything is happening simultaneously. “time-traveling” is easier than you may think.

Are you done with the food-court new-age fluff that you see all over social media? Are you looking for a freshly cooked fine dining in-depth spiritual path? It doesn’t have to be one or the other. You don’t have to be religious OR a “new-ager”. Instead.. dive in with “old-age” mystical devotional practices that will change your life..

In 2016 I got awakened to the Essenes/Yeshua/Magdalene energies. I’ve seen how working with these energies can radically transform and heal trauma. Something that I’ve found is often sorely lacking in modern new-age practices…

To work with me on the deepest level possible, where we can really dive into your journey and go to the depths of a true mystical spirituality that doesn’t bypass your pain, suffering and grief, YOUR initiations, a spirituality that embraces your soul as a part of Mother/Father God, see how I may be able to be of service to you through the many services that I offer.

Go “Old-Age” – not “New-Age”

I can write so much more about myself, the best way to get to know me is to work with me directly. or to go and check out the various podcast episodes and youtube videos/instagram lives that I have done in the past and continue to do here and there.