webinar replay – celestial understanding of traumatic soul contracts

A while ago I hosted a Live webinar with a group of amazing participants, and I took them on an info-journey which covered:

  • the connection between personality disorders and energetic attachments
  • toxic relationships and soul contracts
  • healing on all levels: body-mind-soul
  • boundaries in the 3D and in the 5D
  • but also things such as compassion on a higher level for your Self and for the other person’s higher self. This is where TRUE healing lies and where soul contracts, vows, promises get neutralized karmically.
  • the psychological understanding of what happens in THEIR mind and in YOURS; the amygdala, trauma bonds, energy cords
  • galactic history even plays into this and the nature of the universe.. it was packed full of information..

Here can read several articles that I wrote on this topic leading up to the Live webinar to get an idea of what it entails:

cluster B personality disorders… a spiritual view on trauma

9% of people suffer from at least 1 personality disorder..

Psychic protection (and why it matters)

Narcissism, a trigger for spiritual awakening?

sidenote: the Live webinar contained
– slideshow & theory
– personal questions from participants
– guided healing meditation

the replay contains
– slideshow & theory
– guided meditation
personal questions were left out to respect the Live participants’ privacy.

But if the demand is high enough I may do this webinar again with a Live crowd .

For now, the replay is available here:

celestial understanding of traumatic soul contracts

1 hour video webinar including theory/slideshow guided meditation ps: payment is possible in all currencies. PayPal automatically converts the currency. If you’d like to calculate the difference to get an idea I recommend this website: https://www.xe.com I will email you back within 24 hours of your order
