Dragon Codes: Step into the cave…

Many of you who feel the “Dragon Call” are being asked to stop shying away from your own power. Your dragon(s) are eagerly waiting to connect with you to work together and assist you on your earth-journey. As they often have in many other incarnations on earth, and beyond…

When I say power I do not mean over-powering others. I mean em-powering others by standing fully in your own power as the example that you came here to embody.

This is where the Dragon Codes come in.

If you are reading this, chances are that you are in the cave right now, in the void, in darkness… You are in your very own cave initiation. I wrote about the cave initiation in my story Angels & Dragons & Other Things.

In this story I explain how in ancient times, people that have soul contracts with dragon allies were matched with their dragons at a very young age, after which, dragon & human would each go through their individual training on all levels, mentally, physically, spiritually. Until they would meet again for the final initiation, before effectively merging DNA and becoming a unified dragon+rider being. Also explained in the story:

“For perfect spiritual harmony, heart-mind telepathy had to exist between rider and dragon, so they first must go through a test. A test of all the senses that will prove whether they are worthy of the task, and worthy of each other, and of the spiritual knowledge that they have access to once their energies are combined. So they must pass this final test.”

Consider this moment to be your cave initiation. And the thing you fear most is in fact your greatest strength.

So when faced with your dragon, you will feel fear but it is not really the fear of the dragon that you are experiencing, it is the fear of what would happen when you mounted that dragon and rose high up into the sky on its back and befriended it and merged with it.

It is my belief that if you are feeling called to this initiation, that it is because you are a part of the spiritual dragon knighthood. You may be a dragon oracle, incarnated dragon, dragon rider, dragon magician, all are explained in the stories..

This journey was made for you, and those specifically, who have written in their soul contract to have their cave initiation now..

And it is my duty as re-incarnated dragon commander to call you all back Home to the cave, where I can initiate you once again and help you in re-establishing the heart to heart unbreakable bond with your dragon(s).

If you would like more information or have questions, do not hesitate to email me.

Who are the dragons really? Where did they come from? What are dragons?

What is the Atlantean Dragon knighthood and what does it have to do with the Roman Catholic church and why are the dragons coming forward more strongly than ever now?

What is their connection to Christ-consciousness, to the gnostics, to the rosicrucians, to the druids and to the angelic realm?

how did people work with dragons in Atlantis, Avalon and other places?

And how do we work with them again and pick up where we left off..

When signing up, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from me within 24 hours, with access to the self-study video bundle.

Only after completing step 1; the self-study part, will you have the opportunity to go deeper with step 2; the cave initiation & 1:1 guidance, and step 3; a deeper akashic dive into your specific dragon contract(s).

Step into the cave:

Dragon Codes – step 1: self study


guided meditations + questionnaire for self-reflection

Dragon Codes – step 2: cave initiation + 1:1 guidance


Dragon Codes – step 3: your dragon contracts


Payment plans are an option.

Free dragon resources to prepare:

↟↟ Watch the introduction videos here.. ↟↟


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