intuitive session

Would you like to get to know me before booking a reading or 1:1 counseling with me?

[50% off of your first call for new clients]

I do have a lot of free resources that I would love for you to dive into first, before I meet you live on video-chat, because I want to make sure that you’ve covered everything that I have to offer free of charge first, such as:

My free intuitive development course “Activate your telephone line to source”

My youtube channel with lots of interesting videos and podcast episodes talking about a variety of topics.


An initial meeting, where we can talk about the things that are coming up for you, or things that you’ve bumped into in the free course that you’d like to get more advice on. This would be a great time to get to know each other, see where you need specific guidance and if you want to dive deeper, then this would be the time to explore further options.


An energy reading/healing/channeling session. I may receive intuitive guidance on how I should mentor you in the moment.

This is a very intuitive chat, very much a 2 way conversation.

50% off of your first call for new clients. email me to receive your 50% off

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