images + music playlist

If you haven’t received a reading from me yet and you are interested in getting a reading + images + music then go here to read all about it.

If you have already received an akashic records reading from me in the past, before I started offering this service, and you would like to have images to go with your reading.. Then this is still possible, you don’t have to book the entire reading again.

Curious to see some examples of what images you can expect?

digital images + music playlist

Upon booking I will contact you within 24 hours and ask if you still have your akashic records reading saved somewhere or not. I usually save readings up to 12 months old. Time between order and delivery is around 3 to 4 weeks. You will receive: – A PDF with images based on the information that I got from your akashic records. – A collection of music to go with these images ps: payment is possible in all currencies. PayPal automatically converts the currency. If you’d like to calculate the difference to get an idea I recommend this website:
