intuitive text support: **3 week sale**

I have had people tell me that they were interested in working with me 1:1 but that they can’t find the time, with kids, a busy schedule, etc.

So they don’t reach out despite feeling that they would be deeply served by getting my guidance.

This is why I am bringing back the text based bundles.

Maybe you can’t make it work schedule wise

Maybe you just do not have the mental bandwidth

to sit down and have a 1:1 video chat.

Maybe you want text based guidance

in a way that works for you?

Maybe you need guidance ASAP

and would rather not wait for weeks on my waiting list?

[I am still offering long term video mentorship too!]

We stay in touch through Telegram (which you can install here) And we can get started as soon as the next business day after signing up.

Your messages get priority and I respond to you within 12-24 hours (keeping different time zones in mind).

What made me want to offer this?

We truly are in times of rapid timeline jumping where people are upgrading and choosing higher timelines and manifesting and shifting out of old energy and into new energy quicker than ever before.

But this process is kind of like an energetic earthquake and can trigger a lot of things to come up to the surface to be released so that a lot of new stuff can come in, higher and more aligned energy.

And just having someone right there to text and quickly ask for advice, just having me as your “spiritual sponsor” to check in with can be that little extra thing that would make it all so much easier to navigate.

I realized that the person I am today could have supported me five years ago. So this is a way for me to support even more people in a more flexible way.

What can we text about?
Maybe you have received a reading from me in the past and are integrating the information and you feel that you are going through “a wave of downloads” that you’d like my support with.

Maybe you have been on this journey for a while, maybe you have just started, but you have questions about anything that I talk about; gnosis, angels & dragons, higher self integration, intuitive development, the nature of time, ptsd, healing…

Maybe you have taken one of my video courses or we have worked together in the past and you’d like to work with me again in a flexible easy way.

What to expect?
After finalizing your booking below you will receive an e-mail with further instructions to get started the next business day. You can already start by making sure that you have Telegram installed on your phone.

intuitive text support (1 week)

1 week of text support through Telegram

We start texting the next business day.

Your messages get priority and I respond to you within 12-24 hours

(keeping different time zones in mind).

After booking you will receive an e-mail from me within 12-24 hours,

with further instructions to get started the next business day. Make sure that you have Telegram installed on your phone.

Originally €99 / 1 week

intuitive text support (1 month)

1 month of text support through Telegram

We start texting the next business day.

Your messages get priority and I respond to you within 12-24 hours

(keeping different time zones in mind).

After booking you will receive an e-mail from me within 12-24 hours,

with further instructions to get started the next business day. Make sure that you have Telegram installed on your phone.

Originally €299 / 1 month

Get started →